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Posts posted by NeO_Anderson

  1. Hunger Games Arena Competition

    What is it?
    Okay so I've been thinking we should have Hunger Games as suggested by a number of players and so we need to use a custom a arena to do so! I don't want to just download one randomly from the internet sooooooo I thought of a competition. The person to create the best Hunger Games Arena that is fit for purpose (ie, meets all requirements) will be the winner! You don't need to start off by submitting something that is fantastic.... because you can always submit updates/improves as time goes on, but if you provide a solid base you're eligible to win!

    Entry Requirement(s):

    1) The arena needs to be either 150x150 or 200x200. Whichever is fine.
    2) The arena must be a perfect square/rectangle it cannot be odd sizes/shapes (for protection purposes)
    3) The arena must be built by YOU and/or friends and credits given to those that helped. Do not use downloaded arenas.
    4) The arena ideally would be based on one of the Arenas from the movies (you decide which) this is not strictly required so take it loosely and more of a "bonus"
    5) The world should contain at least 10 Chests at specific points within the world. This can be in the fashion of the movie where they were in the center of the world and the forest surrounding them or within the forest itself. You decide what works best for your Arena.

    6) The arena should not contain actual items inside chests or nor command blocks. Everything will be managed by a plugin. [NEW]
    7) Please check the rules for updates as we may change them accordingly to fit with the needs.

    What will the winner recieve?

    The Winner will be chosen by me and will receive the following:

    1) $2,000 in-game money.
    2) 64Diamonds
    3) We will use your Arena as the Official Hunger Games Arena!

    PS: There is also a possibility that there will be no Winner if the Arenas submitted do not meet requirements or simply aren't suitable to be used. This will all be decided at the time of submission.
    PPS: If you wish to team up, you can do so and all creditors to the work will recieve an equal share of the prize.

    How will you create the Arena?

    That's upto you! You can use creative,plugins or tools...its all upto you.

    Goodluck and post pictures/screenshots here if you like!

    • reaction_title_6 1

  2. Hello all, so I have managed to ffinally get the MTA Server back online again. I know a lot of you requested this and so I have done it... it took me quit sometime to get it going due to upgrades and complications...but got there in the end! 



    Report bugs/issues to me I have fixed/patched and replaced whatever needed to be so. One resource is still broken and I don't really know how to correct that right now so thta will have to go on hold but for the most part.. MTA as you once knew it, is back.


    Enjoy & Spread the word!



    Address: team-neo.com:22051

    • reaction_title_6 1
  3. When server is in testing mode. Anything conducted on the server, will have no impact once the server has reverted back to normal mode. And I mean litteraly everything. All items, blocks placed or broken, any kills, or achievements.... everything is reverted back. The reason we do this is to ensure that nothing illegal is transfered from the test server to the normal server when its switched back.

  4. [uPDATE]
    Testing is ended!



    Hello all. As some of you may or may not be be aware. For sometime we've been struggling with a Memory leak somewhere. THis means that once the server is first started. Everything is perfect. No lag, nothing. Then as time goes on, the memory that the server uses and no longer needs, remains locked and is not free'd up by the server. Ultimately this means we have to restart the server often to avoid complete crashes but this also means that the server effectively gets more laggier and laggier until its restarted automatically.

    This problem frustrates me and I want to get to the bottom of it. I suspect initially the problem is a plugin but it could also be the minecraft server itself so we're testing the server without any plugins at all. This process will take awhile to complete but rest assured ALL the items and stuff you own and have built is perfectly safe and will be restored 100% once the testing is complete.
    We're using the normal worlds so you may see people destroying your stuff, its fine... don't worry. Everything is backed up... and will be back to normal soon!

  5. Just watched a trailer and it looks rly cool, cant wait to try it out ! :biggrin:


    Edit: cant join yet though since its still on 1.7 ^^


    FTB is not the same as normal minecraft. FTB is like a super modded minecraft, it requires a whole new launcher and yeah FTB tends to run older minecraft versions as it takes a very long time for developers to update each mod for an FTB mod pack and these packs tend to contain 100+ mods at least.


    Infinity I think has like 200+, its a huge modpack but its also the latest/best from what I've gathered :D


    the link to download a cracked FTB launcher from is http://www.team-neo.com/downloads/minecraft/

  6. Hello all, so  as you know I really do like FTB and the pipe stuff an all that! so i decided to open another FTB Server again and this time i've put it inside a VPS which has restriction powers so it should not interefere with other servers ie the normal mc server as it has done in the past which forced us to close it coz some people would make some really rediculous things an it would crash the server.......




    so anyways this time lets hope thigns go better now its in a VPS!


    the address is also different: ftb.team-neo.com


    Please expect bugs and more importantly use these first few days/weeks as a trial! depending on how things play out will depend on whether we have to reset the main world or not... if not we will keep it.


    The reason i say this is... I don't know this FTB Pack well and if there are items in there that can corrupt the world... then we wont know they exist until it happens... also the plugins are very fragile too so i don't know how well the GriefPrevention will function here.... we'll have to see!


    FTB Cracked Launcher: http://www.team-neo.com/downloads/minecraft/

    • reaction_title_6 1
  7. I Just wanted to say a big thank you to all of our supporters and donators out there as they have helped us massively since re-opening team neo. Since we re-opened we have received many donations from both players and external sources that wanted to contribute. On a number of occasions random people that have contacted me that used to play here at some point or had daughters/sons that played here wanted to send us a their support and as such, thanks to all the donations we have received the following:


    -Image removed-


    April fools joke lol

  8. This will give an interesting form on trading via server and players, ofcourse I presume that gems will be tradeable betwean players?


    But any chance you could update the shop plugin or modify it?

    Currently the shopping process is quite bad I have to say. Mostly all the items that you "could" sell in the server shop has chests constantly filled up fully. And on top of that some farming items like sugarcane which was before in the shop and you could sell them have no meaning now.

    Building farms are useless at the moment since you can't sell your product.


    The items that players are selling to server shop aren't used by server staff, aka head admins which are the only ones able to get them out i think.

    So to fix the issue you could just put a hopper below the chests and a dropper below with a fast pulse to drop them into lava. So the players could actually sell the items and earn money.

    A lot of this is a bug report/feedback . Please use the ingame command /feedback to report these bugs. Thank you



    PS: I have now gotten home and had a look at the server shops in shopping district. I see no problem as you have described :S

  9. gems.png



    We've recently been thinking of a way to allow players to purchase item(s) via donations, how we had it before in 1.0 basically but we wanted it to be different. Rather than purchase a specific amount of 'items' and then spawn in the ones you want, whether it be dirt or sand... we will sell the items via NeOShop in-game.


    However, it will not use the regular currency that you normally use with NeOShop. These Gem Shops will be using a seperate currency that you can purchase via our website, we call this currency, 'Gems'. Everything is setup for you to purchase Gems now, we're now going to be re-coding NeOShop to support these new types of shops.



    The item(s) we will in the donation shops will be things that we would never sell in the normal shops, like Diamonds and other cool/rare things.



    There is no estimated time of arrival on this as I'm also in the process of making that NeOPlots plugin too!



    Just wanted to let you all know incase you wonder what that 'Gems' list is when you login @ website.

  10. Hello all as you may have heard we are considering the possibility of a new plugin being added to make life easer for places like the mall and shopping area where players will be able to rent out shop plots/slots in the shopping world and sell whatever they want etc. in order for this system to function and be switched over we will be required to reset the money currently stored in NeOMoney :/

    More tests need to be done to confirm the go ahead but yeah.




    Due to the increased impossibility and difficulty that I cannot be bothered to deal with anymore I have abandoned the idea of using Towny as not only is it proving to be a big pain in the ass to "tap into it" but it after looking at all the options/possibilities I've seen how complex and overkill this plugin is compared to what we actually need it for... lol.


    As such... I will be developing my own alternative that i'll post in the minecraft section with full details.


    The Money reset is still going to go ahead as I've already converted the code over to work with Towny =\

  11. Hello all. As you may already know mojang has now unlucked its feature to allow legit users to change their names. This is well and good... however.. you must keep in mind this is a cracked server and as such... it has no connection with Mojang's official services. 


    So what does this mean you ask? Well put simply... to allow Minecraft users to change name and not break basically everything in Minecraft... Mojang implemented a something called 'UUID' this basically means that every one with a legit account is given a specific ID that no other user in the world will have. This ID will remain permanently the same even if you change your username, fortunately most plugins are up-to-date with this new feature including our GriefPRevention system. HOWEVER, this UUID system relies on connections with Mojang's services so the UUIDs or IDs that you have, come from them, not the server.


    With a cracked server, there is no UUID from Mojang, so this means when you change your usernames, there is a good chance (unless im mistaken) that the UUIDs will also change with them..(on a cracked server) so that means with all these plugins now relying on UUIDs instead of names as they used to be, effectively if you change your name a lot of things will no longer function for you.


    So how will this impact me specifically you ask? well, this means that Claims may or may not transfer over to your new name... it may also mean that anything reliant on your UUID will no longer work, this includes any stats on the server like, 'mcmmo' or, admin/verified status, pretty much everything will be effected by this. 


    The biggest problem we face is NeORollBack rolling back your houses/structures as this is not based on UUID, it uses names still which imo is a better system... hence not switching it to UUID which i may be forced to do but for now we're using names. I have implemented a way for us to transfer all block changes over to your new names so that when NeORollBack rolls back your old name, it will not do anything to any of your houses/structures. So this is pretty safe, but everything else is still unknown... ie, claims e.t.c.


    So if you really must change your name... then do it whilst keeping in mind everything that is said here. There is no "quick fix" or "green button" to press to make it all work for you again, so chances are certain things will be lost if you change your name. Keep that in mind. I'm in the process of changing my name myself, to test how badly this will impact users. IT's not looking good so far however :P.

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    • @allfarm.cn
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